Face Value 18 Cents | 1981 | Scott 1928-1931
Available as a sheet of 40 stamps showing all four designs (two layouts) or as individual designs.
- #1928 -- New York University [Jay Gould Memorial] Library by Stanford White (University Heights, Bronx)
#1929 -- Biltmore House by Richard Morris Hunt (Asheville, North Carolina)
#1930 -- Palace of the Arts by Bernard Maybeck (San Francisco, California)
#1931 -- National Farmer's Bank by Louis Sullivan (Owatonna, Minnesota)
Sheet layout A has three columns of NYU Library/Palace of the Arts (#1928/1930)
Sheet layout B has three columns of Biltmore House/National Farmer's Bank (#1929/1931)
Interested in more related stamps to pair with these for postage? Check out our other vintage stamp listings. These stamps can still be used to pay postage on current mail (using additional postage as needed to make up the current first-class rate). All are unused with full gum on reverse; however, due to the age of the stamps, we recommend use of a damp sponge instead of licking the back, or we might recommend using a dab of a permanent glue stick before mailing.
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